Review: Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii) Mattie Behrens Sep 1, 2010 It feels like we've been waiting forever for this game. How does it hold up now that it's arrived?
Review: Metroid: Other M (Wii) Cory Faller Aug 27, 2010 Can Nintendo's latest collaboration manage to successfully reinvent Metroid yet again?
Review: Dive: The Medes Island Secret (WiiWare) Amber Ahlborn Aug 19, 2010 Ecco meets Endless Ocean in this beautiful diving game from Cosmonaut.
Review: Dragon Quest IX (NDS) Brandon Daiker Aug 12, 2010 Beating the goop out of corporeal slime has never felt so squishy.
Review: Personal Trainer: Walking (DS) Mattie Behrens Jul 26, 2010 Who says you have to review something when it comes out? There's a good reason this review is 14 months late.
Review: Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Wii) Mattie Behrens Jul 20, 2010 Now this is a little more like it. The Wii version of Lego Harry Potter is much more what we expected.
Review: Puzzle Quest 2 (DS) Amber Ahlborn Jul 17, 2010 D&D meets Bejeweled yet again. We see how long it holds our attention.
Review: Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (DS) Mattie Behrens Jul 15, 2010 It's hard to believe someone looked at this game and said "yep, this is a Lego movie game, let's release it."
Review: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Wii) Amber Ahlborn Jun 7, 2010 Amber reviews the latest Prince game, and as a bonus compares it with the completely different PS3 version.
Review: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) Mattie Behrens May 21, 2010 We don't give reviews scores here, so you will absolutely not find a score in this review. No, sir.
Review: Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) Amber Ahlborn May 17, 2010 It's an absolutely huge game, so here is Amber's absolutely huge review. It's worth every word.
Review: Beat City (DS) Mattie Behrens May 5, 2010 An original DS game in 2010? My heart beats—to the rhythm, no less. See how it fares inside.
Review: Picross 3D (DS) Mattie Behrens May 3, 2010 A new spin on an old classic results in a more challenging game that might break your brain a little.
Review: Squishy Tank (DS) Mattie Behrens Apr 9, 2010 Little toy tanks get blown up all for the sake of a little puzzling action. It's war, and it's really quite adorable.
Review: Fragile Dreams (Wii) Mattie Behrens Apr 7, 2010 It can get a little rough around the edges, but this melancholic tale is as beautiful as it is memorable.
Co-op review: The Crystal Bearers (Wii) Cory Faller Mattie Behrens Apr 5, 2010 Three months on the market is no match for the power of a crystal bearer. Cory and Matt offer their take inside.
Review: Cave Story (WW) Brandon Daiker Apr 2, 2010 Studio Pixel's darling freeware game gets the WiiWare treatment. Is it still as charming after forking over a Hamilton?
Review: Red Steel 2 (Wii) Amber Ahlborn Mar 29, 2010 In which Amber has a shoot out at high noon in Red Steel 2.
Review: Rooms: The Main Building (DS/Wii) Mattie Behrens Mar 25, 2010 Would you open an exploding birthday present from this anthropomorphic book? Consider it.
Review: Mega Man 10 (WiiWare) Brandon Daiker Mar 11, 2010 Mega Man embarks on his second new old adventure, in the tenth game of the series, in the eighth game of this style!