N-Sider articles by Dean Bergmann

  1. Now Playing: This Column is Not Dead

    Now Playing: This Column is Not Dead

    1. Cory Faller
    2. Ricardo Arenas
    3. Dean Bergmann
    4. Travis Woodside
    5. Colin Castro
    This column isn't dead! DKJB, PoP:WW, RE4, FFVI, and more.
  2. N-Sider Raffle: E3 DVD Bundle

    1. Dean Bergmann
  3. Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix impressions

    1. Dean Bergmann
  4. E3 Interview: Tom Harlin

    E3 Interview: Tom Harlin

    1. Glen Bayer
    2. Dean Bergmann
    N-Sider chatted with Nintendo of America Public Relations Manager Tom Harlin at this year's E3. We've got questions and answers a waitin', which I bet you'd never expect from an interiview.
  5. E3 Interview: Denis Dyack

    E3 Interview: Denis Dyack

    1. Glen Bayer
    2. Dean Bergmann
    We caught up with Denis Dyack, president of Silicon Knights, at this year's E3. Check out his thoughts on the future of the industry and gleam some insight into his company's future projects.
  6. E3 2005: Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix Impressions

    1. Dean Bergmann
  7. N-Banter Edition 10: Pre-E3 2K5 Talk

    N-Banter Edition 10: Pre-E3 2K5 Talk

    1. Jeffrey Van Camp
    2. Dean Bergmann
    Nintendo's Pre-Show is a day away. It's all we can talk about.
  8. The Rumor Mill: 05-12-2005

    The Rumor Mill: 05-12-2005

    1. Glen Bayer
    2. Dean Bergmann
    The Mill is back with a HUGE Pre-E3 edition. Enjoy.
  9. Warp Pipe Technologies - The Road To Demasked

    Warp Pipe Technologies - The Road To Demasked

    1. Dean Bergmann
    N-Sider sits down with Warp Pipe Technologies' Chad Paulson to discuss their upcoming projects.
  10. Nintendo DS: Dean's Hands-On Impressions

    1. Dean Bergmann
  11. N-Sider Exclusive: Warp Pipe Technologies Reveals New Product Name and Logo

    1. Dean Bergmann
  12. E3 2004: Retrospective

    1. Dean Bergmann
    When you set out to write a big long article for a site such as our own, you tend to put it off as long as you can, with the knowledge that it will be, as required, uber long. The Journey of E3 2004 began back in November of 2003...
  13. N-Sider's E3 2004 Vacation DVD - ORDERS CLOSED

    1. Dean Bergmann
    Greetings readers and people looking for all the coverage they can get on this year's E3, we are pleased to announce that the 2004 E3 DVD was available at a cost of only $10 (USD) which includes shipping to anywhere on the planet! Sorry you missed out.
  14. Cubesploitation: A Look at GameCube Networking

    1. Dean Bergmann
  15. CoaG 8

    1. Dean Bergmann
    A hodge-podge of updates regarding N-Sider going-ons and N-Sider not-going-ons. Obviously, there's a whole lot going on.
  16. Irate Gamers VI: The Lost Generation

    1. Dean Bergmann
    Non nova sed nove. What does this mean? Well, by the end of this edition of Irate Gamers, you'll know. Gamers of today, Generation Y and younger, don't appreciate the challenges put in front of them...
  17. CoaG 7

    1. Dean Bergmann
    Many enjoy the game of solitaire. However, gaming is most memorable when you have an accomplice such as battling Goombas with your siblings.
  18. CoaG 6

    1. Dean Bergmann
    For those of us who still have that Mario tune stuck in our heads. Sigh...the good ol' days of the Nintendo Entertainment System.
  19. CoaG 5

    1. Dean Bergmann
    There is a new trend growing. That growing trend is gamers with long hair. Or perhaps those are girls.
  20. CoaG 4

    1. Dean Bergmann
    Nintendo's advertising has evolved over the years. There have been highlights and there have been moments where we had to shake our heads with embarrassment.