Fans of the the "Wii-kly Update," normally issued Monday mornings and containing the latest in Virtual Console and WiiWare downloads that become available at 9 a.m. Pacific time that day, will have a new update to look forward to starting April 6th.
The "Nintendo Download" report will feature not only Virtual Console and WiiWare titles, but also titles from the new Virtual Console Arcade as well as DSiWare. The name change obviously reflects the same change that Wii Points are going through as they are now "Nintendo Points," given the addition of DSiWare to the mix.
The "Nintendo Download" report will feature not only Virtual Console and WiiWare titles, but also titles from the new Virtual Console Arcade as well as DSiWare. The name change obviously reflects the same change that Wii Points are going through as they are now "Nintendo Points," given the addition of DSiWare to the mix.