Hey guy next to me, what's it gonna take for you to pull that shiny new 3DS out of your bag?
We've been riding this train together for the last year and a half, and I think you owe me an explanation. You see, you're an upper-20s urban professional, and you grew up with a Famicom controller between your tiny little hands. Oh, don't play dumb with me—don't think I haven't noticed the way your fingers naturally curve out, beaten into condition by years of gripping all manner of gaming implements.
Gosh, just last week, that morning that was the first nice one we had even had in a while, I saw you going at it with your grubby-looking old Lite in one of the priority seats, oblivious to the needs of the elderly. Sure, it was just Pokémon, and a little late to the party at that, but I could feel it, them waves, that energy. You went out Saturday morning and got one, didn't you? Well where the hell is it? Give me a nice long look at that sweet fancy. Because we are fucking buddies, man, and I want to know how your lid hinge feels.

And you, youth of the nation! You little jerks, bereft of responsibility, minds squishy and malleable, ready to be filled with statistics and manga storylines! Give it up already, give up them goodies. You, miniature Taro, I know you've been camping on your New Year's money ready for this, and I bet your grandma took you to Yodobashi so you could pick it up and she could get the 25,000 yen worth of points on her member's card. Just pull it out of your bag for Christsake, all I want is a peek! I know it's in there! I was like you once! We are practically connected spiritually! So down to brass tacks, how are the two cameras? Is that AR stuff alright? Is the finish holding up, and are you getting four hours a charge or what.
Goddammit, and you, the mom and pop store on my way to work, you are holding out on me. You had the signs up before, and all you have now are darkly colored signs, black and red text on white paper like the formal issuance of the time and date of public execution: No 3DS Systems Since The 27th, Go Home. Please, don't insult my intelligence. I know they are back there, cause I mean you somehow got the authorization to be a Nintendo reseller and baby you can't even pretend like you didn't scrape one off the top, a little something extra. All I want is for you to pull one out for me. Don't worry, I don't wanna take it home, show it to my parents, only just feel like tossing it around a little bit. More specifically, can you tell me about the latency and ghosting with and without the 3D effect enabled, and I am kind of interested in seeing how your stylus extends but we don't have to do that right now, let's take this how you want it I am in no rush.
But guys, if you don't pull one out soon, I am seriously done with you. Does anyone even have a 3DS? Oh that's right. You all do. Everyone except me, not that I'd know it by looking. It's okay. You don't need to say anything. Your eyes have already said it all.
We've been riding this train together for the last year and a half, and I think you owe me an explanation. You see, you're an upper-20s urban professional, and you grew up with a Famicom controller between your tiny little hands. Oh, don't play dumb with me—don't think I haven't noticed the way your fingers naturally curve out, beaten into condition by years of gripping all manner of gaming implements.
Gosh, just last week, that morning that was the first nice one we had even had in a while, I saw you going at it with your grubby-looking old Lite in one of the priority seats, oblivious to the needs of the elderly. Sure, it was just Pokémon, and a little late to the party at that, but I could feel it, them waves, that energy. You went out Saturday morning and got one, didn't you? Well where the hell is it? Give me a nice long look at that sweet fancy. Because we are fucking buddies, man, and I want to know how your lid hinge feels.

And you, youth of the nation! You little jerks, bereft of responsibility, minds squishy and malleable, ready to be filled with statistics and manga storylines! Give it up already, give up them goodies. You, miniature Taro, I know you've been camping on your New Year's money ready for this, and I bet your grandma took you to Yodobashi so you could pick it up and she could get the 25,000 yen worth of points on her member's card. Just pull it out of your bag for Christsake, all I want is a peek! I know it's in there! I was like you once! We are practically connected spiritually! So down to brass tacks, how are the two cameras? Is that AR stuff alright? Is the finish holding up, and are you getting four hours a charge or what.
Goddammit, and you, the mom and pop store on my way to work, you are holding out on me. You had the signs up before, and all you have now are darkly colored signs, black and red text on white paper like the formal issuance of the time and date of public execution: No 3DS Systems Since The 27th, Go Home. Please, don't insult my intelligence. I know they are back there, cause I mean you somehow got the authorization to be a Nintendo reseller and baby you can't even pretend like you didn't scrape one off the top, a little something extra. All I want is for you to pull one out for me. Don't worry, I don't wanna take it home, show it to my parents, only just feel like tossing it around a little bit. More specifically, can you tell me about the latency and ghosting with and without the 3D effect enabled, and I am kind of interested in seeing how your stylus extends but we don't have to do that right now, let's take this how you want it I am in no rush.
But guys, if you don't pull one out soon, I am seriously done with you. Does anyone even have a 3DS? Oh that's right. You all do. Everyone except me, not that I'd know it by looking. It's okay. You don't need to say anything. Your eyes have already said it all.