So here I am, just herpin' and derpin' along, wondering how many people have stopped visiting the site entirely since we basically stopped writing things on it.

But it's December, you know? And almost Christmas! You're all too preoccupied to read new things, right? We're certainly too preoccupied to write them. Brandon's in a different country for a couple weeks, I'm feverishly writing code for [insert secret project omfg], and Matt... well Matt's decided to be a professional Bum. Or at least, a guy who will pretend to write code instead of writing articles but instead do neither.

Don't worry, we'll be back. After we burn off our vacation pounds we'll fill January with at least a few nuggets, and god-willing inundate the site with 3DS coverage shortly thereafter. Word has it that Nintendo will be hosting events all over the place on Jan 19th, so be sure to hungrily fix your eyes forward in good OCD-gamer form.

'Till then, enjoy your secular holiday engagements!