spoke with SNK USA President, Ben Herman, regarding the company's next-generation game development. An excerpt is below while the full interview can be read here.
GD: Between Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, who do you expect to come out on top in the next generation?

BH: I'm going to take a pass on that one. Only because, I'm not an analysts and there have been some wild analysts making some very, very strong statements about what they think is going to happen, when the next generation will start, etc. I'm going to let the consumers take care of that, but I believe there's room for everybody, especially when these things are backwards compatible. It does appear to me that [Microsoft] wants you to get the 360 quickly. The Sony people, want to keep the PS2 alive, but they certainly want to grow the PS3 as well, and they want you to get into the [PSP]. Nintendo's coming along, and they have a little different approach. I think that all of them understand that there is a world of online capabilities, and right now Microsoft has that category pretty well covered. Their Live experience is really a wall. I think the other two have challenges as to how to get there. I'm sure they will, I'm sure they're improving on what they've done so far. Not that everyone wants to go online and play in tournaments and so forth, but I just think that experience is something that people are now accepting and really expect as part of the [whole] experience.