Here's a round-up of previews, reviews, screens, official video game websites and more from around the world wide web. Give me a heads up if you have something or anything you'd like included in the next round-up. Don't worry, I don't bite. If you need a good chuckle, be sure to check out the "Random Neat Stuff".
- News - Mario Kart knock-off wins over Korea article (
- Editiorial - Defending Miyamoto's comments article (
- Interview - Mt. Everest-Nintendo DS-Carrying Climber talks article (
- Editorial - Gaming in Japan article (
- NDS - Nintendogs preview (
- GCN - NHL '06 trailer (
- Editorial - Controller Ergonomics from Atari to N64 article (
Random Neat Stuff
- Michael Jackson vs. Famicom
- Frightening but Funny Pikachu Video
- Frightening but Funny Miyamoto Website
Thanks to Gaming-Age Forums, 4ColorRebellion, and Kotaku.