The team over at Polygon Mag have uncovered a few interesting facts regarding Nintendo's newest portable system. According to the site, and apparently a Reuters article, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has shown concern over a possible shortage of LCD screens needed for the DS. It seems that each system's requirement of two such screens could cause a supply problem for the handheld, which is slated to hit North American and Japanese shelves before the end of the year.

President Iwata, in a chat with Reuters, talked about the negotiations with companies like Sharp. "Ordinarily, if we said to a supplier that we plan to make a product with two screens, they would be happy, but this time they said, 'two screens, that's a bit of a challenge.'Of course we have no intention of taking a huge loss in the beginning, but I'm not sure if we can efficiently boost profit from the start like we did with the Game Boy Advance, but this is something I think we can repair with time." - Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo

Source: PolygonMag