Elebits is being developed by Konami. Players are thrown into a world where a race of small creatures called Elebits have gone on strike. Unfortunately, since the world runs on power generated by the Elebits, you've no choice but to track them down and put them back to work. To do this, you can use the Wii remote control to interact with everything in an environment - push, pull, lift, and throw. Once you have the Elebits in sight, it's your chance to zap them back into captivity. Elebits is currently scheduled to release alongside the launch of Wii later this year.

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii

Konami's Elebits screens for Nintendo Wii