Naruto, the knuckleheaded ninja-in-training, has been a mainstay in Japan for years now. The Shonen Jump manga spawned the anime, which in turn spawned no fewer than four games a piece on the Nintendo GameCube and Game Boy Advance. The phenomenon has only recently crossed the Pacific, however, with Tomy localizing the first editions in the now-long-standing GCN and GBA series. Naruto: Clash of Ninja for the GameCube is a 3D fighting game based on the first couple arcs in the anime, and is mirrored by Naruto: Ninja Council, a 2D action platformer, on the Game Boy Advance.

So what say we give away a copy of each, hm?

Naruto: Ninja Council will be given away via a standard random-draw sweepstakes. Send us an email via the links below, and you'll get one entry in the drawing. If you want to increase your chances, though, take a peek at our E3 2006 DVD Preorders. Everyone who preorders a DVD will get an additional THREE entries in the drawing. Shameless self-promotion? Believe it!

For Naruto: Clash of Ninja, we're gonna make you work for it. Via the links below, we want you to send us a lovingly composed Naruto Haiku. What's a haiku, you ask? Discounting the history and thematic requirements, it can be boiled down to a three-line syllabically-rigid piece of poetry. For example:

Villianous Konoha scourge?
Or cross-dressing tart?

You get the idea. Three lines, the first and last each having 5 syllables, and the middle having 7. 5-7-5. The entry we find most clever, unique, or generally well-written will win the GameCube fighter. You can feel free to enter both contests, but the winner of the GameCube game will be disqualified from winning the GBA one.

Entries will be accepted until April 31st, at which point the winners will be determined. Good luck, and happy haikuing!

The contest is over, thanks to everyone for entering!