N-Sider Forums Game of the Year 2003

News Flash: I've had a change of heart (thanks to forum member Axord) and decided to extend the deadline till January 31st, 2004. So yes, that gives you a few more weeks to vote, and gives you a chance to get through the Christmas games in order to give them enough time for reflection.
Its that time of the year again.
Were seeing a lot of "Game of the Year" articles on our favourite sites or magazines and no doubt we'll all be bitching about what should and shouldn't be on the list at random website X or even more random magazine Y and we've done it before here on these forums so now we're doing it again.
I present you with N-Sider Forums Game Of The Year 2003. A thread in the N-Sider Forums where you get to voice your opinion and get a chance to explain why, and have other people read your thoughts. But only until December 31st, 2003 North America time.
It's here where, as a forum member, you can nominate and vote for your favourite games that released this year (that's 2003! :P) in whatever country you're from, and from whatever system you desire
Now, just a few ground rules. You can vote for whatever games you want, from whatever system they came out on, as long as they came out in 2003 in your country and as long as you clearly state which version youre voting for and for what system.
Many people have already voted and separated their GameCube GotY from their Overall GotY, as well as voting for their favourite GBA, PS2, Xbox, PC, and even N-Gage games. Its basically just a thread where you get to state what you want without worrying about other peoples votes.
So feel free to nominate your own, vote for your own, do what you will, just list the games you loved and the games you played, and the games that deserve to be up at the tops of everybody's lists.
Just make sure they came out in 2003 otherwise we'd all name Ocarina of Time, or Super Mario World, or a Link to the Past, or Yoshi's Island, or Super Mario Bros. 3, or Super Mario Kart, er...I think you get the picture now!
After the end of the year (thats December 31st, 2003 for all you calendar-challenged people), on New Years Day (or closest to it) February 1st Ill be posting the final results of these votes. Its all in the name of fun, just like our favourite hobby.
Now then, in case you missed it, heres the link to the forum thread http://d32494.u26.infinology.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1448
Moving on, in case youve already voted for your favourites, you can head on over to the other of the Year thread in the N-Sider forums where you get to vote for your favourites in other categories besides games. Our forums arent just about games, in case you didnt know!
And if youve exhausted all of the of the Year 2003 threads weve got going, feel free to express your all-time favourite game in this thread.
Have fun guys and gals, and be sure to keep visiting the forums and the website as we move forward into an exciting new year 2004.
N-Sider.com wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and hope your holidays are filled with lots of Nintendo games! :)