Later tonight, Warp Pipe Technologies will reveal the logo for their new highly secretive product, officially named "Demasked", which has been the hot topic around the Nintendo community as of late.

In an interview with CEO and Founder of Warp Pipe Technologies, Chad Paulson, N-Sider was able to learn more about the nature of the software.

N-Sider: Anyone familiar with Warp Pipe Technologies will know that you guys created a tunnelling service for the GameCube, but this current project is a departure, can you explain why?

Chad Paulson: Tunneling is not consumer friendly, to say the least. Our interests are in bringing gamers together. In order to do this, we had to make some choices and we decided to work on something that would be much more accessible to gamers.

N-S: The viral marketing that has occurred to stir interest in the Demasked service has caused quite a buzz around the Nintendo Online community, do you have any thoughts or comments on how people have gone about interpreting the images and riddles that have been laid out for them?

Chad: Overall, I think the response to our "transmissions' have been well received. In sending these "transmissions" our goal is to bring gamers together to cooperate and, in the context of our clues, discuss what they feel about contemporary multi player; especially with respect to online gaming. With any type of message you send, especially across the Internet, you will have a group of people who over analyze things until they have exhausted all possible meanings.

N-S: What made you decide to start developing this service, any life event or influence that made it all click one day?

Chad: My personal experience with online gaming.

N-S: The logo is definitely different, what inspired its creation, and will this replace the traditional Warp Pipe logo that weve all come to recognize?

Chad: We wanted to convey a new level of interactivity. Jon Wilcox, our Creative Director, was able to do this with the striking logo you see today. It represents the plethora of new possibilities that await after you've been "demasked". As we have confirmed today, this logo represents the "demasked" service. This does not change Warp Pipe Technologies' corporate branding.

N-S: What do you hope to accomplish with this new service for the Nintendo DS, how will it bring a change to the way gamers interact both online and off?

Chad: I believe multi player gaming is a very interactive experience because, not only are you interacting with the game, but you are also interacting with the individuals who are playing alongside you. The enjoyment of the game is often times the sum of the game plus the level of familiarity you have with the people who are playing with you. There is a level of camaraderie and intimacy that exists when playing games with your friends which is except when playing anonymously. It is because of these very cold, and sometimes harsh confrontations that online gaming isn't more widely adopted by the mainstream. Companies have focused on the technology rather than the social aspect of multi player online gaming. They have just begun to back-pedal recently, attempting to add more "interactive" features in hopes that the experience will become more intimate and real. Our service will address these issues. As for how we will do this, I look forward to addressing that in the not so distant future.

I look forward to sharing all the possibilities made possibly by Demasked with gamers and publishers all over the world.

Stay tuned to N-Sider in the coming weeks, as a full preview will be "Demasked" exclusively in late October / early November. But for now, keep your eye on for new transmissions and clues as to what the Demasked software will actually be.