Well, N-Sider's second art contest has come to a close. For the uninitiated, these were the conditions.

You people are really friggin good, you know that? As a testament to our inability to choose just one winner, we've copped out and separated the contest into three divisions - one for Metroid, one for Mario, and one for Zelda. Each division in turn gets its own winner, so we've got a total of three top dogs. Runners up will be thumbnailed beneath each winner, and clicking on them will take you to the full pictures. Let's take a look, eh?

Division 1: Metroid

- Winner: Eric Allen -

Runner Up:
Benjamin Leon

Runner Up:
Ruy Fernando Estrada

Runner Up:
Satchmo Juju

Division 2: Super Mario

- Winner: Aimee Lamoureux -

Runner Up:
Larry Walker

Runner Up:
Ruy Fernando Estrada

Division 3: The Legend of Zelda

- Winner: Jake Stone -

Runner Up:
Thomas Larson

Runner Up:
Seth Helling

You people rock. Now then, negotiations regarding who of the above is joining the N-Universe staff are still underway. Two people have already been hired on, though, and more are being approached. The results will be made evident with the impending relaunch of N-Universe, filled to the brim with art from guys like you.

'Till next time!