Mortal Kombat creator comments on Nintendo Revolution

Game Informer Magazine chatted up Ed Boon, creator of Midway's Mortal Kombat, regarding the latest entry in the franchise. GI slipped in the requisite Revolution question pertaining to how he might envision a fighting game being played with a Revolution controller?

"You know, I don't know how you could," he explains. "One of the things about the Revolution controller is that you don't have immediate access to a whole bunch of buttons. It's like your holding a television remote and you have that directional pad and you have a big A button next to it. But there's not five or six buttons to give you all of these functions, so maybe they will compensate but tilting one way for blocking or another way for attack. But that is so dramatically different. So it will either be one of the biggest hits in the world or a big failure. I certainly hope it does well."

Perhaps Nintendo will have to first lead the way and show how it can be done with Super Smash Bros. In the meantime, we'll be sure to add Boon's statements to the growing list of third-party developer comments.