Planet GameCube recently interviewed Silicon Knights President Denis Dyack over the company's newest game Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, which hits North American shelves March 9th of this year. In the interview, Mr. Dyack talked about topics ranging from the game's features, to the team's inspirations, and even what the future holds for Silicon Knights.

Below are two highlights from the interview:

Q: Do you think Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater will be released on GameCube if Twin Snakes is a success? Would you want to be involved in those conversions?

Denis Dyack: I am not sure really if these games will come to the GameCube or not. However, it is unlikely that we would be involved with the conversion if they did. We have talked several times about further collaborations and we have all agreed that the next collaboration would be to create something completely original.

Q: Obviously Twin Snakes is a big step up from the original MGS, but in what ways is it superior to MGS2/Substance?

Denis Dyack: Well, I would say it is enhanced over MGS2/Substance in many ways. The game play and the A.I. has been customized for the MGS1 and enhanced over MGS2. The polygon counts, texture layers, effects and frame rates are better then MGS2. The cinematics, thanks to Kitamura-san, have been breathtakingly redone. The music has all been redone. The story is MGS has remained the same as MGS1 which in general has been the favorite of the MGS titles to date. So I think this collaboration has allowed us to incorporate the best of all worlds into TTS.

If you would like to read the full interview, head to the link below.

Source: Planet GameCube