Update: Congrats to Warren, whose budding family and omnipresent tuition fees preclude his ability to spend fat dollars on the newest releases. Let these Metroids be the reward for your productivity!

What's that, you say? You read my review of Metroid: Other M and still haven't picked up a copy? Well that can only indicate either a grievous lack of taste, or a hauntingly moth-ridden pocketbook. Either way, this is your chance to rectify your error post-haste.

Click here to head on over to the contact form on my staff page, and tell me why you don't have the game yet. If I'm moved, you may be the lucky chump who'll be on the receiving end of this fabulously un-opened retail copy I've got sitting over here on my busted old receiver.

Don't forget to include your email address so I can get back to you, and don't write anything you'll be too ashamed to see pop up on the site in a week or so, when the winner will be chosen. And only entries from the continental United States, thanks.

Happy begging!