A new interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata conducted during the past E3 Expo has been posted by Kikizo Games.

Kikizo: ...I speak to a lot of developers, and they always have Microsoft and Sony coming to them all the time and trying to get them to develop for their platforms, but particularly in the UK, and as you know there is a very major development scene there, say that they never quite get that from Nintendo. Do you feel that's somewhere where the company could improve?

Satoru Iwata: Well if you look around the showfloor at Nintendo today, there are two new software titles that are developed in the UK. One is the Advanced Wars: Under Fire game, and another is the Mario Pinball game. But yes, you are right, Nintendo historically is not so active enough in building up the working relationships with the European developers. But I can say that things are improving right now, however I am not satisfied in the current condition and I believe we need to make efforts to improve our relationship with European developers even further.

Be sure to read the full interview here, courtesy of Kikizo Games.