Wii Fit-mania is sweeping the nation. Thanks to a big PR and advertising push by Nintendo, people ranging from soccer moms to celebrities have the Balance Board on their minds. With its release just a week away, it's poised to become the must-have title of the season alongside the still impossible-to-buy Wii.

Interestingly, though, Nintendo has never made the claim that Wii Fit will change your life. Rather, it's pitched much more softly: it's supposed to make you think about your lifestyle and becoming healthier in general. While Nintendo may be restraining themselves from making such a claim for legal reasons, I'd like to find out the truth.

Over the course of the next thirty days, I will be conducting an experiment: if you perform one hour of Wii Fit a day without changing any other lifestyle habits, can you make a difference in your overall health?

To make sure my results are as clean as possible, I'm going to be sticking to a hard and fast set of rules:

  • Must wear the same set/type of clothes for every workout session in order to keep weight variances constant.
  • Must perform one hour of in-game play time, according to the in-game counter, per day, every day. No days can be missed, and catch-up days are not allowed.
  • Must not change eating habits throughout the thirty days, and every meal must be recorded.
  • Must do every exercise available at least once within the hour limit.
  • Body test must be done prior to each daily session, and does not count toward the one-hour time.

Every Wednesday, I'll post a progress report of the previous week, letting you know how I'm doing. I've already started with my first day, and I can tell you already that Wii Fit is not forgiving—as I write this article, I am the sorest I have been in a long time. My stats as of today are as follows:

Dean's Fit-Bio and Statistics
  • Age: 23
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Clothing Type: Light
24.48 (normal)
196.9 lbs
Fit Age
33 (+10 years)
Total Time: 1h 00m

I do not regularly exercise; I'm not overweight but am far from being in-shape. I haven't been to a gym in almost a year, and I do an average amount of physical exertion each day. In short: I'm just an average guy submitting to the will of a talking Balance Board.

I hope you enjoy following my progress, and we'll see where Wii Fit takes me at the end of 30 days.