Kotaku has interviewed Takumi Yoshinaga, director of the upcoming-in-Japan DS-exclusive sequel to Feel the Magic: XY♥XX: Where Do Babies Come From?
KOTAKU: What inspired the original game?
YOSHINAGA: The fact that the DS really inspires people to pick it up, to touch it. Nintendo told me they were going to make this kind of device. So I decided to make the game. Also, the idea of love and rub. The Japanese say rabu for love. So, I thought it would be fun to make a game you could have characters touch and get closer. Thats where it game came from.
KOTAKU: Why do you think there are so few female game designers?
YOSHINAGA: Not many females actually feel like buying games. But, if a male friend is playing, they might join in. But, on their own, they dont feel like buying it or playing it. So, its a problem of interest. And if theyre not interested, how can they feel like designing games?