Though Nintendo had said back at the GDC 2006 conference that we'd see original Wii Ware, someday, nobody seems to believe them. That's not entirely unexpected, because while the Virtual Console gets new old games every week, the Wii Ware portion of the Wii Shop Channel still only contains the Opera-based Internet Channel.

However, there's a glimmer of hope coming originally from VC mainstay Hudson, in an interview with Game Informer. Director of Marketing John Lee told the publication, in response to a question about original content coming to Wii over the Internet: "Well, the VC was specifically designed to bring back classic games, not to introduce new content. So to answer your question specifically: No. However, in the future, you should rephrase that question to: Are there any plans to launch original content on some downloadable service on the Wii, and you might get a different answer."

CVG was intrigued and sought comment from Nintendo. The answer they got: encouraging. "Nintendo has developed a programming system that will allow small independent developers to make games for Wii download service. We cannot confirm at this time in what format the new content will be delivered, but in the future there will be original games available for download through the Wii Shop."

When these titles will be delivered is anyone's guess, though. Stay tuned.