Dean | 11:47am, Monday
I love that the trailer they're showing for star wars is identical footage that they tried to play off as real time last night.

Matt | 11:49am, Monday
Forza Kinect to feature hands-on automotive molestation mode

Matt | 11:53am, Monday
Holy shit free new 360s for all of us

Dean | 11:54am, Monday
Xbox slim free omgwtfbbq yes

Cory | 12:01pm, Monday
For the record, all N-Sider staff at the MS preshow event are officially fired.

Matt | 12:07pm, Monday
Well, now I know how I'm going to play Kinect

Dean | 12:32pm, Monday
Free xbox aside, it was an OK press conf. Gears looks great, and that's really all I got excited for.

Matt | 1:08pm, Monday
Microsoft pursuing even more new markets

Matt | 5:12pm, Monday
I have appointed my freakish Kinectimal as executive editor for the show

Dean | 7:19pm, Monday
Fun fact: Matt hates calculators.

Dean | 8:20pm, Monday
Executive editor kinectimal demands sacrifice.

Dean | 9:55pm, Monday
Earthquake in LA... Even nature is trying to stop Kinect's second showing

Matt | 6:29am, Tuesday
Nintendo conference today! Woo-hoo!

Dean | 7:08am, Tuesday
Everyone have their nintendo bingo cards ready?

Matt | 7:49am, Tuesday
Sitting next to a team from Retro. Now I'll feel bad if they are making DK and I scream in horror

Dean | 8:10am, Tuesday
Sitting in the photog section, not sure where matt and amber ended up. Nintendo trivia playing like last year.

Dean | 8:42am, Tuesday
The theater is starting to fill up now. We're still about fourty mins till the apocalypse.

Dean | 8:48am, Tuesday
There is a bird flying around in here. Poor thing.

Dean | 8:54am, Tuesday
Great. Sasquatch just sat down in front of me. Smells like him too.

Matt | 8:57am, Tuesday
Holy crap we started on time

Matt | 8:59am, Tuesday
watercolor Zelda :o Skyward Sword

Dean | 8:59am, Tuesday
Opening with zelda. What.

Matt | 9:10am, Tuesday
If Miyamoto is having this much trouble with motion controls I'm worried

Dean | 9:10am, Tuesday
Miyamoto cant play zelda under pressure. Bill is pulling a steve jobs re wifi

Dean | 9:18am, Tuesday
New mario sports mix looks boss

Dean | 9:22am, Tuesday
Wii party is the proverbial reset button on the mario party franchise.

Matt | 9:23am, Tuesday
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn lookin pretty good on DS

Matt | 9:25am, Tuesday
Little pieces of confetti keep dropping. What are they planning

Matt | 9:36am, Tuesday
Epic Mickey looks potentially decent... will have to see later this week

Matt | 9:39am, Tuesday
New Kirby game looks awesome! So much neat stuff going on