Sega recently released an intriguing title for the Nintendo DS in Japan—one that has the potential to destroy otherwise happy marriages and demolish households.
It's called Heart Scan, and it uses the DS's mic to analyze voices and uses voice analysis of your test subject (perhaps when confronted with key terms like "rendezvous" and "extramarital affair") to produce a readout on what the software thinks might be going on in the subject's head. Sega pushes use of the software in business and to analyze things like televised news conferences, warning against jumping to conclusions on things like infidelity.
The game went on sale August 16 in Japan, and Sega has not made a decision on bringing the game overseas; it's likely they never will.
It's called Heart Scan, and it uses the DS's mic to analyze voices and uses voice analysis of your test subject (perhaps when confronted with key terms like "rendezvous" and "extramarital affair") to produce a readout on what the software thinks might be going on in the subject's head. Sega pushes use of the software in business and to analyze things like televised news conferences, warning against jumping to conclusions on things like infidelity.
The game went on sale August 16 in Japan, and Sega has not made a decision on bringing the game overseas; it's likely they never will.