Clubhouse Games is now available on Nintendo DS for $34.99 (reader Nate Thornhill has spotted the game at Wal-Mart for $29.99). The title arrives via publisher Nintendo of America. Find more info at the game's official website.

Clubhouse Games is a compilation of over 40 board, card and party games. This includes such classics as Old Maid, Black Jack, Texas Hold 'Em, and Solitaire. For those interested in engaging in competition with a real person, the games are compatible with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection online service. Clubhouse Games currently has a 77 percent average review ranking according to (based on 3 reviews).

IGN says (8.5/10),
"The fact that Nintendo's poured so much energy into ensuring everything is solidly entertaining - with particular props going to the multitude of mulitplayer and online options - just sweetens things further. Providing you know that you're not getting the bleeding edge of interactive entertainment, 42 All-Time Classics is just about the epitome of what handheld gaming should be."

Cubed3 says (8/10),
"Whilst games like Billiards border on the unplayable you will cherish that cart next time you are stuck in a tunnel on the way home from work/uni/college/school and can pull out your DS for a quick game of blackjack or solitaire. Or to see if you can finally get 3 strikes in a row for the bowling mission. It this is a highly personal choice for any gamer as strictly speaking these games are nothing new; but in terms of affordability, replayability and downright fun we feel it's worth it."

Trailer: Clubhouse Games