Call of Duty 3 for Nintendo Wii

The boys at sat down for a chat with Marcus Iremonger, executive producer for Activision's Call of Duty franchise. Iremonger revealed his studio's progress with the Wii edition of Call of Duty 3. The game is an ambitious first-person shooter that takes place during the days and weeks that followed the World War II D-Day landings. The game progresses through missions told through a seamless story. Players will have to go up against enemies with advanced A.I. within a variety of environments.

Iremonger admits that the Wii version is getting the most attention at the moment. His studio has made the Wii remote control vital to Call of Duty's gameplay. "I'll start off just by telling you a little about battle actions and then I'll tell you why the Wii just fits that so perfectly," he said.

These battle actions he refers to are the interactions that take place between the enemy, environment and the player. "Before you pressed the action button, laid your mine, and got the hell out," he posed as an example. "Now, you actually see your hands come out, actually place that mine, set the timings, wire it up, and get out."

Iremonger says the Wii is ideal for such intimate interactions. "The Wii is perfect for this," he continues. "The Wii actually allows us to bring the physical approach, but now you've going to interact physically. Just imagine now that gun's in your hands, as a player, not just on the screen. It's in your hands, and you've got that controller, and now you're shaking that controller. Maybe you're rowing a boat across the river; now you're actually rowing the controller. So these are some of the things that are just really going make you feel like you're in that world."

Call of Duty 3 is scheduled for release later this year. We'll let you know of the specific details as we hear them.