Breaking a longstanding tradition of putting out titles of questionable quality every Monday, it seems Nintendo has decided to revive the oft-spoken-of but rarely-touched Game Boy Advance bit Generations series—which never made it out of Japan, due to the GBA's impending demise—on WiiWare today. Enter Art Style: Orbient.

It is, perhaps, a delightful coincidence that I was just playing Orbital, the GBA game which Orbient is based on, the other night—putting off the final sequence in Baten Kaitos Origins for the weekend when I knew I'd have time to face down hours of cutscenes. Orbital's premise is simple: float your initially-tiny interplanetary body around with just two controls—attract and repel—absorbing smaller planets to make yours bigger and grabbing your own satellites for bonus points. It's almost a Zen experience, with your movement dependent only on the interplanetary flotsam and jetsam around you as you seek to eventually devour or acquire your own little universe, piece-by-piece.

I haven't yet got my hands on Orbient, but I plan to as soon as I can. In the meantime, look forward to what else might show up in the Art Style series. bit Generations was a cool collection of really sweet little games, and they deserve your attention.