All N-Sider articles

Behold, ye olden days—a bunch of teenagers scrounging to write content in a paleolithic internet. Some of this stuff is pretty good, much may be inaccurate or ignorant, but we present it here nonetheless as a relic of the times.

  1. Interview: What's new in Rune Factory 2

    Interview: What's new in Rune Factory 2

    1. Mattie Behrens
    With Rune Factory 2 on the horizon, we asked Natsume about what fans can expect out of the sequel.
  2. Review: Wii Music (Wii)

    Review: Wii Music (Wii)

    1. Mattie Behrens
    We really liked Wii Music. Inside, we take a stab at explaining just what it is about this highly unique title that we adore.
  3. Interview: Ninjatown

    Interview: Ninjatown

    1. Mattie Behrens
    We got access to three key dudes behind SouthPeak's Ninjatown and asked them all about the characters, the demo, and the game.
  4. Review: Mother 3 (GBA)

    Review: Mother 3 (GBA)

    1. Brandon Daiker
    The "strange, funny, and heart-rending' RPG finally makes its English debut. Does it live up to the anticipation?
  5. Review: Mega Man 9 (WW)

    Review: Mega Man 9 (WW)

    1. Brandon Daiker
    The Blue Bomber stars in another outing that would have been comfortably at home on the NES in the early 1990s.
  6. Review: Animal Paradise (NDS)

    Review: Animal Paradise (NDS)

    1. Mattie Behrens
    While Matt wasn't up for Animal Paradise, his six-year-old daughter was. Read her perspective on the pet sim within.
  7. Ninjatown brings a demo worth playing to the Nintendo Channel

    1. Mattie Behrens
  8. Write an essay, win Soul Bubbles

    Write an essay, win Soul Bubbles

    1. Mattie Behrens
    We've got a shrink- wrapped copy of Soul Bubbles for the best essay about a sweet game that tanked at retail.
  9. Review: Pong Toss: Frat Party Games (WW)

    Review: Pong Toss: Frat Party Games (WW)

    1. Jeffrey Van Camp
    A WiiWare game that promotes drinking and shies away from it. We aren't shy to give this one a big thumbs down.
  10. Interview with Unsolved Crimes producer Michiteru Okabe

    Interview with Unsolved Crimes producer Michiteru Okabe

    1. Mattie Behrens
    NowPro's Michiteru Okabe, producer of Unsolved Crimes, solves a few of our own mysteries about his game for us.
  11. A highly productive shopping trip

    1. Mattie Behrens
  12. Armchair-analyzing the DSi

    Armchair-analyzing the DSi

    1. Mattie Behrens
    Matt engages in wild flights of fancy and shares his vision of where Nintendo might be going with DSi.
  13. Nintendo shares Club Nintendo with America

    Nintendo shares Club Nintendo with America

    1. Jeffrey Van Camp
    NOA launches its own version of Club Nintendo, and it's about damn time. We consider the possibilities.
  14. Nintendo conference: additional details from the US

    1. Cory Faller
  15. Nintendo's October conference reveals new games, services

    1. Jeffrey Van Camp
    2. Cory Faller
  16. Nintendo announces 'DSi' with camera, AAC player, DSi Shop

    1. Mattie Behrens
  17. New Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles both vexes and delights

    1. Cory Faller
  18. Putting the convergence cart before the horse

    1. Mattie Behrens
  19. Fuzzy Puppy Marble makes his triumphant return

    1. Mattie Behrens
  20. Review: Art Style: Orbient (WW)

    Review: Art Style: Orbient (WW)

    1. Mattie Behrens
    bit Generations makes its debut on WiiWare with this Zen-like experience brought into your living room.